
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Adakah DAP Memberikan Keuntungan Kepada Islam?

Sebagai seorang pendakwah, setiap tindakan atau keputusan yang kita buat mestilah memberikan keuntungan kepada islam dan dalam masa yang sama melemah musuh islam. Keuntungan itu bukan bererti dinilai dari segi kewangan maupun kedudukan tetapi dilihat dari aspek peningkatan kefahaman dan penghayatan islam dikalangan masyarakat. Jika masyarakat menjadi semakin keliru dan penghayatan semakin lemah maka adalah salah jika kita teruskan tindakan atau keputusan kita. Untuk itu sesuatu tindakan atau keputusan yang dibuat mestilah disandarakan kepada hujah syarak yang jelas serta mengambil waqei semasa yang berlaku ketika itu.
Apabila si ghulam mengambil keputusan untuk mengorbankan dirinya dengan dipanah dileher, beliau telah mengambil kira bahawa itu adalah jalan terbaik untuk memahamkan masyarakat tentang islam dan kekuasaan Allah. Walaupun dari segi zahirnya beliau tidak mencapai “kemenangan” kerana syahid di bunuh si Raja namun tindakannya itu telah menyebabkan seluruh masyarakat telah memeluk islam. Dengan kalimah bismillah yang disebut Raja membuktikan bahawa kekuasaan dan kebesaran hanya ada pada Allah bukan pada Raja.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chua Soi Lek Ni Paham Ker Buat2 Tak Paham!!??

Semenjak beberapa bulan lepas, aku dah malas giler nak bubuh entry berkaitan dengan politik. Apatah lagi aku ni seorang blogger picisan yang tidak bergerak di atas platform mana-mana parti politik baik UMNO, mahupun PAS (PKR?, sorry to say la der.. aku tak iktiraf pun kewujudannya sebab diasaskan untuk membela sorang individu sajer.. itu parti nepotisme anak-beranak jer beb). Tambahan pulak gua ni student jadi lebih baik aku duduk sorang-sorang atas pagar jer bai. Soal gua nak menyokong parti politik mana, itu hak gualah beb!. Aku tetap jugak berdiri mempertahankan kepentingan agama, bangsa dan negara. Tiada kompromi jika ada sesiapa yang mencabar. Walaupun aku dah terlepas banyak isu termasuk kes tayang punggung yang mana pelakunya adalah junior kolej aku sendiri!.

Meskipun aku sudah lama tak berblog mengenai hal ehwal politik, aku tetap peka akan senario politik semasa. Semakin dekat bahang PRU, semakin sengit 'peperangan' di antara kedua-dua khemah Barisan Nasional dan Pakatan Rakyat. Baik kedua pihak saling mengemukan isu tersendiri untuk 'dijual' kepada media sebagai modal perjuangan masing-masing. Senang cerita, pihak mana lagi banyak jual propaganda. Maka mereka pemenang nombor wahid perang informasi. Orait, lets start our story for today!.

Siapa tak kenal Datuk Chua Soi Lek, bekas Menteri Kesihatan yang pernah dikecam teruk gara-gara kontroversinya beraksi panas dengan seorang 'courtesan' yang tidak dikenali di sebuah hotel di Kluang, Johor . Selepas tamatnya isunya memalukan yang memalukan itu, beliau langsung tidak bertanding dalam PRU12 tahun 2008 yang menyaksikan parti pimpinannya MCA kecundang teruk dibelasah DAP dalam setiap kerusi DUN dan Parlimen.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Matinya Seorang Diktator Di Tangan Pengkhianat!

Kelmarin pada tanggal 20 Oktober, genap setahun pemergian Presiden Libya Muammar Gaddafi yang menemui ajal akibat dibunuh dengan kejam oleh pengkhianat bangsanya. Khabar akan kematian beliau tidak sekadar dihebahkan kepada masyarakat dunia dengan seluas-luasnya oleh media massa pro barat. Malahan, rakaman video pembunuhan beliau beserta footage jenazahnya yang disimpan di bilik beku kedai menjual daging haiwan ternakan turut disebarkan!. Sesungguhnya pembunuhan beliau yang sangat sadis itu berlaku di luar dugaan. Tiada siapa yang menyangka riwayat beliau akan tamat dengan cara begitu mengaibkan sekali. 

Tersungkurnya beliau dari tampuk pemerintahan bermula daripada momentum yang dicetuskan oleh apa yang kita panggil Arab Spring adalah sesuatu yang mengejutkan. Tidak dinafikan lagi, faktor kebangkitan rakyat di rantau negara Arab telah banyak menyaksikan tumbangnya beberapa rejim diktator negara seperti Zine El Abidine Ben Ali di Tunisia dan Hosni Mubarak di Mesir. Puncanya di dua negara Arab Afrika Utara berkenaan, rakyat berdepan dengan masalah ekonomi yang meruncing akibat kenaikan harga barangan dan gaji pekerja awam dan golongan bawahan yang tidak seberapa mencukupi untuk menampung hidup keluarga.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

7 Reasons Why Women Lose Respect For Men

If a woman loses respect for you as a man, she will also lose attraction and begin to fall out of love with you. It might’ve taken you a long time to find “the one” that you’re now in love with, but unless you’re careful about avoiding the following mistakes, she’ll soon be thinking about backing out of the relationship for good.

Why women lose respect for men
Being overly suspicious of a woman never leads to a positive outcome. It always creates problems because it destroys the trust and flow of love between you.

1. Belittling Her In Public

Playful teasing each other in private can be a fun aspect to your relationship, especially if it’s kept light and you both have understand each other’s sense of humor. Too often though, some men will belittle their woman in front of their friends or family in a way that she feels is cruel and sincerely harmful to her confidence and sense of pride and comfort in front of others.
In an effort to “show off” to his friends or because he believes that some “habit” his girl has is stupid, some guys will say hurtful things about their girlfriend/wife. Even if it’s done when she’s not there, what the man says about his woman is probably going to get back to her eventually and she will feel betrayed and lose respect for him when it does.
When a woman knows that her man doesn’t respect her and that he doesn’t “have her back,” so to speak, she will usually begin trying to undermine him and disrespect him in front of others.

2. Being Too Bossy
Women like to have their man be the head of the relationship, but when he starts getting too bossy and treating her like a slave, that’s when she will begin to lose respect for him.
According to decades of research and recent studies into divorce (see: Should Men Do Housework?), if you want your relationship to last, you should let your girl do much of the housework, while you do the “manly” jobs around the house, make the big decisions and basically lead the relationship. However, when the man decides that he’s the “boss” and his woman has to do whatever he demands of her as if he “owns” her, she will lose respect for him and want out; especially if their sex life isn’t that fulfilling for her either. These days, there’s only so much that women will put up with before they think, “Screw this, I’m out!”because break ups are no longer frowned upon as much as they used to be.

3. Always Letting Her "Win"
On the opposite side of being too bossy, some guys will give in to whatever a woman wants because he is too fearful of losing her if he doesn’t yield to her every whim and desire.
While it’s true that a woman will usually “test” you to see how much she can “get away with,” what she really wants is reassurance that you are charge of their relationship by seeing that you don’t agree to her every request.
If it gets to the point where her man agrees with her every request or “demand,” especially out of fear of her leaving him, she will walk all over him until she eventually loses all respect for him. She’ll then fall into the arms of another man who will show her who is truly “in charge” of their relationship. Girls may act like they want to be the boss in this new age of independent women who can do whatever they want, but deep down they all want a man who is a man and who can and will continually take the lead in a relationship.

4. Being Weak or Submissive Around Other Men
A woman is always watching to see how much of a man a guy really is. One of the best ways a woman can see how strong (mentally and emotionally) a guy is, is to watch him interact with other men. Whether he’s chatting to men at a party or talking to a male shop attendant in a store, the woman is watching to see if he acts submissively and places the other man/men above him in terms of dominance. If he bosses her around at home, but let’s most (if not all) other guys boss him around outside of the home, she will lose respect for him and won’t want to “follow his orders” at home.
If you want to learn how to be an alpha male who men respect and women love and lust after, watch Alpha Male Power. You’ll be surprised at how easy it is to be the alpha male in a situation and how much your life will improve, not only with women, but at work (or study) and around friends and family. Life is completely different when, everywhere you go, people look up to you and respect you. Good things will just start happening to you all of the time. Doors open up for you and women just naturally want to be with you. There’s no need to try to get a woman attracted, she just is because you’re alpha.

5. Being Suspicious of Her Every Move
Trust is essential for the health of a relationship. Without it, all sorts of problems begin to emerge. One of the fastest ways to erode and eventually destroy the trust in a relationship is to become suspicious and overly protective of your woman. Regularly accusing her of wanting to cheat or of doing things behind your back will only lead to a breakdown of trust and a halt to the flow of love in the relationship.
Whether she’s legitimately working with a male co-worker on a project, going out with her friends to the movies or to do some shopping or running errands, some guys will find it difficult, if not impossible, to trust their woman unless they are with her. In an effort to control and keep tabs on her, some guys will stay in constant contact with their woman to find out where she is and what she is doing, snoop on her e-mails and phone messages to see if any guys are saying anything that could mean she wants to be more than “just friends” with them and so on. Women find this to be a major turn-off because they aren’t attracted to men who desperately need them for their emotional security and feelings of self-worth. If you want to learn how to stop yourself from becoming needy, protective, jealous, and so forth in a relationship, I recommend you watch Better Than a Bad Boy.

6. Whining Like a Victim
For a variety of reasons, a man might find that his life plans are suddenly in jeopardy (e.g. he loses a job, his shares/stocks/investments plummet and lose tremendous value, he gets caught up in heated disagreements with family or friends, etc.). It’s understandable that when things go wrong like that, a man might want to talk about his problems with his woman, but when he whines and complains like a victim without looking for solutions, a woman’s respect for him will quickly dwindle. Everyone has disappointments and problems that have to be dealt with, but some men will let it destroy them by dwelling on it and acting like a “victim of life.”
When a man is in a relationship, he should sometimes seek his woman’s advice to see how she feels and what she thinks might be a good way of tackling a problem. Even if he doesn’t follow her suggestions, but instead weighs them up as a possible solution against his ideas, a woman will greatly appreciate that her opinion matters to him and that he is actively trying to find a way to resolve his problems rather than only moping, whining, and complaining but not actively seeking a resolution.
Boys complain and whine, while men decide and act. If you need to fix a problem in your life, you should be a man about it by making a firm decision and then acting on that decision. As a friend said to me the other night when talking about this subject, “It’s not what happens to you in life; it’s how you deal with it. That’s what determines your life. If you play the victim card and hide away in fear or drown yourself in excuses, your life will be a mess of problems, sadness and missed opportunities.” This same friend lost 85% of his life savings when the stock markets crashed a few years ago, but he’s managed to get back on his feet and push forward to success once again. That’s one of the things I like about him; he talks the talk and walks the walk. He makes things happen and that’s what counts in this life. Those who sit around complaining, whining and feeling like a victim are in for more pain, frustration and 

7. Lying
For a variety of reasons, a man might find that his life plans are suddenly in jeopardy (e.g. he loses a job, his shares/stocks/investments plummet and lose tremendous value, he gets caught up in heated disagreements with family or friends, etc.). It’s understandable that when things go wrong like that, a man might want to talk about his problems with his woman, but when he whines and complains like a victim without looking for solutions, a woman’s respect for him will quickly dwindle. Everyone has disappointments and problems that have to be dealt with, but some men will let it destroy them by dwelling on it and acting like a “victim of life.”
When a man is in a relationship, he should sometimes seek his woman’s advice to see how she feels and what she thinks might be a good way of tackling a problem. Even if he doesn’t follow her suggestions, but instead weighs them up as a possible solution against his ideas, a woman will greatly appreciate that her opinion matters to him and that he is actively trying to find a way to resolve his problems rather than only moping, whining, and complaining but not actively seeking a resolution.
Boys complain and whine, while men decide and act. If you need to fix a problem in your life, you should be a man about it by making a firm decision and then acting on that decision. As a friend said to me the other night when talking about this subject, “It’s not what happens to you in life; it’s how you deal with it. That’s what determines your life. If you play the victim card and hide away in fear or drown yourself in excuses, your life will be a mess of problems, sadness and missed opportunities.” This same friend lost 85% of his life savings when the stock markets crashed a few years ago, but he’s managed to get back on his feet and push forward to success once again. That’s one of the things I like about him; he talks the talk and walks the walk. He makes things happen and that’s what counts in this life. Those who sit around complaining, whining and feeling like a victim are in for more pain, frustration and 
Sumber : The Modern Man

Monday, October 15, 2012

Doodle Google Paling Ter-Ohsem Setakat Ini

Salah satu keistimewaan Google berbanding search engine lain adalah Doodle (Apakah itu? Sila baca SINI). Itu semua orang tahu, malahan setiap satu Doodle yang mereka design tidak sekadar menggunakan aplikasi Adobe Photoshop sahaja. Bahkan ianya turut melibatkan proses rekabentuk menggunakan perisian Adobe Flash dan Directors agar Doodle yang direka tersebut tampak lebih interaktik apabila digunakan oleh para pelayar laman yang mengakses laman pencarian nombor satu di dunia itu.

Aku masih ingat lagi diwaktu pagi 21hb Mei 2010, awal-awal pagi jer bukak Google terus stumbled upon apa yang aku anggap sebagai idea paling kreatif dan genius dibuat oleh mana-mana enjin pencarian.

Tak sangka jugak beb, enjin pencarian paling simple pertama pernah kulihat berbanding Yahoo yang serabut itu mampu menarik perhatian pengguna dengan paparan yang sangat hebat itu. Sedangkan, aku yang ketika itu belajar IT mulanya terpinga-pinga bagaimana mereka boleh comes-out dengan rekabentuk menarik itu. Maybe, Google isn't about simplicity anymore. Yelah kan beb, dah tu keuntungan berlipat kali ganda sepanjang lebih 10 tahun selepas penat berperang dengan Yahoo takkan tak boleh salur duit lebih sikit pada jabatan multimedia kot. Paling memberansangkan, acquisation mereka terhadap Blogger dan Youtube menambahkan lagi akses keatas keuntungan yang lebih lumayan melalui advertising. You know, I spends about an hour playing that Pac-Man mini games to the point almost forgetting my Facebook and Yahoo messenger friends. Quite an addiction I can say.

Okaylah, dipendekkan cerita. Sejak kelmarin lepas tentu korang perasan doodle terbaru Google hari ni bersempena dengan ulang tahun kelahiran kartunis ternama Amerika, Winsor McKay. Doodle tersebut adalah berdasarkan hasil karya beliau iaitu Little Nemo in Slumberland yang merupakan salah satu comic strip terkenal di Amerika pada awal kurun ke 20 Masihi. Kepada bebudak yang ambik course Multimedia seperti Graphic Design dan Animation, cuba tanya lecture korang yang mahir dalam bab lukisan nih. Mesti diorang kenal punya beb. Ingin tahu dengan lebih lanjut. Jom usha artikel kat bawah nih..

Winsor McCay (1869-1934) was one of the first important creators of both comic strips and animation, and a pretty fair political cartoonist to boot. His masterwork was the Sunday comic Little Nemo in Slumberland, about a little kid whose dreams took him to an Oz-like fantasy world. It turns 107 today, and the artwork and imagination of every installment are as amazing as ever. Just thinking about the fact that it once appeared weekly leaves me slightly agog, and depressed about the current state of newspaper comic strips.
Someone at Google is a McCay fan too, it seems: The Google homepage is celebrating Nemo’s birthday with a wonderful, wonderfully ambitious interactive Google Doodle which captures much of the spirit of McCay’s print and film cartooning. Whoever created this can’t match McCay’s draftsmanship, but that’s O.K.: Almost eighty years after this death, nobody else has, either.
(Side note: When I checked out the Doodle on my iPad, I got only a simple, static Nemo tribute. I had to visit it on my laptop to see the version that’s so delightful.)

Read more:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sudut Kajian - Sejauh Mana Ketagihan Anda Terhadap Facebook!

How highly would you say you prioritize your Facebook-ing? A report by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business found that the desire to check social media platforms like FacebookTwitter and Pinterestwere among the toughest-to-resist temptations — equivalent to cigarettes and sex.
Subjects in the study, who were between ages 18 and 85, all living in Germany, were given BlackBerry devices and told to let the researchers know every 30 minutes if they felt a desire to drop by their social networks. They were also asked to document other impulses, like smoking, drinking and sleeping, among others, and rate them from “strong” to “irresistible.” The temptation to visit social media platforms was more difficult to resist than the rest, researchers concluded.
Part of the reason for the surprising results, says lead author of the study Wilhem Hofmann, is social media’s high availability. After all, engaging in a tweet or Facebook post doesn’t take much effort — especially when you can do so with the touch of a few buttons.
Watch the video below to learn more. What do you think? How often do you feel the urge to check your social media profiles?

Sumber : Mashable